Camu Camu Curiosities


Below are a few interesting details regarding this remarkable berry:

Myrciaria dubia, commonly known as Camu Camu, CamuCamu, Cacari, and Camocamo, is a small (approx. 3-5 m tall) bushy riverside tree from the Amazon Rainforest vegetation in Peru, which bears a red/purple cherry like fruit. Its small flowers have waxy white petals and sweet smelling aroma. It has bushy feathery foliage. The evergreen, opposite leaves are lanceolate to elliptic. Individual leaves are 3 - 20 cm in length and 1 - 2 cm wide. Camu Camu offers astringent, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-pain, anti-viral, emollient and nutritive properties and contains natural beta-carotene, calcium, iron, niacin, phosphorus, protein, riboflavin, thiamin and the amino acids valine, leucine, and serine. This makes Camu Camu invaluable for metabolic processes, including the formation of white blood cells, maintaining a healthy immune system, and support for the brain, lymph glands, heart and lungs.

The extraordinarily high Vitamin C content (in the order of 2-3% of fresh weight) is thought to be the most important property of the Camu Camu fruit. Vitamin C content declines as full maturity is reached, and there is a trade-off between Vit C and flavor expression. As a myrtaceous fruit, Camu Camu most likely provides other nutritional benefits (phenolics, etc.), but these are less understood.

Camu Camu has also a unique aroma and fruit pigmentation. A reddish pigment in the leathery skin (probably anthocyanins) that are not removed, imparts an attractive and unique pink color on juices extracted from Camu Camu.

In addition to the high Vitamin C content it contains the amino acids valine, leucine, and serine, and is also rich in flavonoids. Camu Camu appears to provide nutritional support for the brain to optimize its own mood-balancing chemistry.

Camu Camu is superior in strengthening the immune system, energizing and mood-lifting effects than synthetic vitamin C at one or two grams daily.

One to two grams of Camu Camu, once or twice daily, can clear up most cases of bleeding gums and provide remarkable energy-boosting effects. It has the additional benefit of being non-irritating to sensitive stomachs and bladders.

In a comparative study of hundreds of botanicals, ranked in order of effectiveness for various health conditions, Camu Camu was ranked among hundreds of herbs as follows:
Anti-mutagenic #4;
Anti-viral #6;
Anti-oxidant #4;
Asthma #1;
Atherosclerosis #1;
Cataracts #1;
Colds #1;
Depression #2;
Edema #1;
Gingivitis/Periodontal disease #1;
Glaucoma #1;
Hepatitis #1;
Infertility #1;
Migraine headaches #1;
Osteoarthritis #1;
Painkiller #1;
Parkinson's disease #1

The simplest way to incorporate Camu Camu into your day is in a blended drink. It can as well be taken with MSM to impart mutual benefit of the MSM reacting better with an acid and MSM allowing the vitamin C and other properties into the cells. Or, can be stirred into an herbal tea such as tulsi, hyssop, or horsetail. Work into superfood dessert recipes and stir into fresh-pressed juices. Allow the subtle effect of vitalizing, pure, and natural Vitamin C on the cellular level.



One of the top herbs in the Ayurvedic medicine tradition is actually a mineral pitch. Housing 88+ dietary minerals and trace minerals along with fulvic and humic acid. It is microbially digested plant and mineral matter that has been incubated and pressurized for tens of thousands to millions of years through seismic and geological shifts in the Himalayan mountains folding upon themselves trapping matter between its layers. The minerals are in ionic and dual-ionic form. Originating from organic matter and being magnetized as it makes its way through the crevices of the mountain. The medicine men of the Himalayas would watch the monkeys and see that the same species at the top of the mountain were strong, virile, agile, and more communal; while the monkeys at the lower region of the mountain were more sickly, slower, and discordant. The monkeys at the top of the mountain were consuming the mineral pitch (shiljit) while the monkey below did not have access. Can harmony be wrought by mineralization?

Small amounts (1/4-1/2 tsp.) mixed in pure water tastes like a light herbal tea. Larger doses (1 tsp. – 2 tbsp.) can be stirred in warm herbal tea (yerba mate, pau d’arco, cat’s claw, nettles, horsetail, etc.) or in pasture-raised, grass-fed, raw cow or goat milk (shilajit and raw milk is potentially its most traditional usage). Another combination we have found useful is mixing as much shilajit as you desire with as much MSM as you desire (recommended: a heaping tablespoon of each in 32oz of pure water). The shilajit assists in breaking the MSM molecules down further because of the fulvic acid content and the MSM opens up the permeability of the cell wall allowing the minerals in and assists in wicking the toxins out.

Shilajit is potentially the most significant herb to be taking to mineralize the body with the full spectrum of dietary minerals and trace minerals needed for human health, as well as, it has the ability to dissolve calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate crystals in the tissue and around the bones. Calcium belongs in the bones and when we eat acidic foods, breathe acidic air, endure excessive stress, and other environmental factors, the calcium leaches from our bones (to neutralize the acid) and gets deposited in our tissue, around our skeletal structure, and even in our brains (brain sand). The fulvic acid in shilajit can dissolve the crystals and eliminate them naturally. Good bodywork and shilijit is a potent combination to alleviate the burden of calcification. Grab a partner and begin a practice of barefoot shiatsu.

I have been taking large amounts (1tsp. – 4oz.) for the last three years almost daily and continue to notice the benefit. Mineralization is a key to wellness, along with a thorough and maintenance detoxification protocol, pure water, clean food, fresh air, direct sunlight, positive vision for life, a spiritual or personally meaningful discipline, and a litany of other beneficial and useful practices will bestow a greatness and fullness of being that is the birthright of a destiny-driven humanity. Share shilajit with a friend or colleague, enhance their conductivity, and impart the understanding of the ancients.