Below are a few interesting details regarding this remarkable berry:
Myrciaria dubia, commonly known as Camu Camu, CamuCamu, Cacari, and Camocamo, is a small (approx. 3-5 m tall) bushy riverside tree from the Amazon Rainforest vegetation in Peru, which bears a red/purple cherry like fruit. Its small flowers have waxy white petals and sweet smelling aroma. It has bushy feathery foliage. The evergreen, opposite leaves are lanceolate to elliptic. Individual leaves are 3 - 20 cm in length and 1 - 2 cm wide. Camu Camu offers astringent, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-pain, anti-viral, emollient and nutritive properties and contains natural beta-carotene, calcium, iron, niacin, phosphorus, protein, riboflavin, thiamin and the amino acids valine, leucine, and serine. This makes Camu Camu invaluable for metabolic processes, including the formation of white blood cells, maintaining a healthy immune system, and support for the brain, lymph glands, heart and lungs.
The extraordinarily high Vitamin C content (in the order of 2-3% of fresh weight) is thought to be the most important property of the Camu Camu fruit. Vitamin C content declines as full maturity is reached, and there is a trade-off between Vit C and flavor expression. As a myrtaceous fruit, Camu Camu most likely provides other nutritional benefits (phenolics, etc.), but these are less understood.
Camu Camu has also a unique aroma and fruit pigmentation. A reddish pigment in the leathery skin (probably anthocyanins) that are not removed, imparts an attractive and unique pink color on juices extracted from Camu Camu.
In addition to the high Vitamin C content it contains the amino acids valine, leucine, and serine, and is also rich in flavonoids. Camu Camu appears to provide nutritional support for the brain to optimize its own mood-balancing chemistry.
Camu Camu is superior in strengthening the immune system, energizing and mood-lifting effects than synthetic vitamin C at one or two grams daily.
One to two grams of Camu Camu, once or twice daily, can clear up most cases of bleeding gums and provide remarkable energy-boosting effects. It has the additional benefit of being non-irritating to sensitive stomachs and bladders.
In a comparative study of hundreds of botanicals, ranked in order of effectiveness for various health conditions, Camu Camu was ranked among hundreds of herbs as follows:
Anti-mutagenic #4;
Anti-viral #6;
Anti-oxidant #4;
Asthma #1;
Atherosclerosis #1;
Cataracts #1;
Colds #1;
Depression #2;
Edema #1;
Gingivitis/Periodontal disease #1;
Glaucoma #1;
Hepatitis #1;
Infertility #1;
Migraine headaches #1;
Osteoarthritis #1;
Painkiller #1;
Parkinson's disease #1
The simplest way to incorporate Camu Camu into your day is in a blended drink. It can as well be taken with MSM to impart mutual benefit of the MSM reacting better with an acid and MSM allowing the vitamin C and other properties into the cells. Or, can be stirred into an herbal tea such as tulsi, hyssop, or horsetail. Work into superfood dessert recipes and stir into fresh-pressed juices. Allow the subtle effect of vitalizing, pure, and natural Vitamin C on the cellular level.